
FAPES Games Suite

My roles in this project

  • Visual Designer
  • Composer/Audio Designer
  • Developer

FAPES, a Brazilian federal pension fund, had an education portal on financial, actuarial and pension fund rights education called "Na Ponta do Lápis". In order to further diversify its portal's content, they hired Ygor Speranza and I to develop a suite of browser based games.

Since securing a happy retirement is a lifelong undertaking, the suite's concept was to loosely portrait a different stage of a person's life with each game. While still a teenager, your task is to avoid consumerism by literally jumping and dodging products which the world throws at you and your skateboard. As an adult, you play a game of choose your own adventure while managing your house's finances and balancing your family's desires. And as a middle aged man, the struggle to remember which bills to pay becomes a Concentration card game. Also a part of the game suite is a The Game of Life-like boardgame about moving towards your dream retirement and a pension fund jargon Hangman game.

I was responsible for the games' UX and Visual Design, while also coding the memory game. The main challenge of the project was considering the product's target wide age range, which demanded that all interfaces and user interaction decisions factored in child and elderly necessities alike.

The Na Ponta do Lápis game suite was developed using Flash and Javascript